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LAYLA Cosmetics


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Specific magnet for the semi-permanent gel polish of the Cat Eye line.

Regular price €2,10
Sale price €2,10 Regular price €2,80

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Il magnete Cat Eye Layla Cosmetics è studiato per essere utilizzato con facilità e velocità. La potente calamita, infatti, magnetizza lo smalto senza dover esser avvicinata troppo all’unghia, scongiurando in tal modo imperfezioni e difetti.

Dotato di due estremità, una grande di forma rettangolare l'altra più piccolina e rotonda. La prima, grazie all'ampia superficie, consente di realizzare effetti tridimensionali anche su unghie molto lunghe, la seconda si presta invece alla realizzazione di decorazioni ed effetti particolari.


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How to use

Recommendations for use

  • PRO: unlike old generation magnets, they are very easy to use and magnetize the enamel in less than a second without having to get too close to the nail. The supplied magnet is very powerful and has two ends with which to create infinite shades.
  • CONS: for a really "wow" effect they should be applied on dark colored enamels.
  • BABA ADVICE: Don& 39;t just put the magnet in the classic vertical or horizontal position, rather turn it to combine the effects. Don& 39;t set limits to your imagination, to get amazing nail art use more than one color on the same nail.

How to use

•Prepare nails with buffer, pre gel and primer.
•Apply the shiny top coat base and cure in a LED lamp for 60 seconds.
•Apply any color of semi-permanent nail polish and let it polymerize in the lamp, for a semi-transparent effect instead go directly to the next phase.
•Apply the cat eye polish and lay the magnet over the nail being careful not to touch it, choose the desired effect by moving the magnet to your liking. If the effect doesn& 39;t satisfy you, you can also make a second pass of cat eye, magnetize again and finally polymerize in a LED lamp for 60 sec.
•Apply the top base and polymerize in the lamp for 60 sec.
• Degrease your nails with a cellulose pad and your favorite Layla degreaser.

Compatibility: "Cat Eye" is compatible with all Layla and Layba semi-permanent nail polishes

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